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Need More Real Estate Leads? Our Real Estate Farming Tool Plants the Seeds to Grow Your Real Estate Business in a Targeted Greendale Area!

In (a hypercompetitive|an uber-competitive|an ultracompetitive|a highly competitive|a feverishly competitive} business such as real estate, creating real estate leads resembles farming: Select a fertile area, plant seeds, care for them diligently … and be prepared to harvest when the time is right!


Easier said than done, though. Greendale real estate prospecting can be an extensive, drawn-out process. Many agents don’t have the resources, nor patience. If you have the latter, though, Bresser’s Realty Resource is the real estate farming tool that will guide you to generate more listings, sell more properties and earn more commissions!


The tactic is identifying a target Greendale area, and becoming the “go-to” realtor for these homeowners. Employ a real estate directory to build relationships via direct communication. As your garden grows, you’ll find motivated sellers before your competition! 

Start Planting With Our Real Estate Farming Tool

A “Sold” sign is proof-positive marketing for your business. It’s static, though. How do you proactively reach out to close-by Greendale homes to inform them you sold a neighboring property? With Bresser’s Realty Resource, all the real estate prospecting information you need is at your fingertips. Call, mail or e-mail them – it’s your choice!


Bresser’s Realty Resource, THE real estate farming tool, delivers you the tools: names and addresses of homeowners in and around the Greendale area. Cell phone numbers. E-mail addresses. It’s all you need!


Don’t let your business development rely solely on referrals or, worse yet, on luck. With more than 350 markets covered nationwide, Bresser’s real estate directory has the resources to get serious about your real estate farming! 

Real Estate Lead Generation? Start Farming for Listings!

Even if you haven’t sold a home in the Greendale area, real estate lead generation is possible with smart planting and cultivation. Are you ready to start farming for listings?


Using Bresser’s Realty Resource, THE real estate directory for marketing information, you can connect with people likely to sell – and get in the door with those who have no immediate plans. With the right resources, prospecting for seller listings becomes a well-defined process.


How? Deliver value that implants your name in Greendale homeowners’ minds.


Reach out with updates on local real estate market conditions. Or sports schedules. Or local events. Or recipes. What else might they be interested in?


Send an occasional ”just-because” item – a pad of writing paper, or sticky notes, or a calendar. Perhaps a pen to write on them, too!


Don’t hesitate to knock on doors and introduce yourself, as well. With Bresser’s Realty Resource, you can greet people by name. Nothing works like a personal connection!


Ready to plant the seeds for real estate leads … and start your farming for Greendale listings? Contact us for your market-specific real estate farming tool – and prepare to dig in!

Real Estate Lead Generation? Start Farming for Listings near Greendale, WI